Migrating to Joomla 4: Challenges and Opportunities

Migrating to Joomla 4: Challenges and Opportunities

With a modern administrator and site template, bootstrap 5 integration, and many more features, Joomla 4 turned out to be a hit compared to previous versions. Due to its strong suite of core features, it is now possible for developers to easily manage anything like content, media, web links, contacts, etc. Also, Joomla 4 redecorated the system area which introduced more accessible features than its previous versions. If you are considering migrating to Joomla 4, professional Joomla web development services can ensure a seamless transition.

Why You Should Migrate to Joomla 4?

You should migrate to Joomla 4 from Joomla 3 for numerous reasons. At first, this new version is built on the latest technologies like the jQuery JavaScript library, Bootstrap 5 framework, and PHP 7 to improve performance. Secondly, it is highly optimized for loading speed that enables it to deal with more traffic, and larger websites efficiently. By utilizing Joomla web development services, you can unlock the full potential of these advanced features. A few other new aspects to be noted here are:

  • Joomla 4 has introduced an improved codebase that develops an easier method for adding new features to your content management system.

  • This version of Joomla enhanced the media manager option with a simple drag-and-drop process.

  • A refined and modern user experience is visible on Joomla 4 which also delivers unique mobile responsiveness.

  • Joomla 4 is also equipped with better SEO features than its predecessors.

Steps for Migrating to Joomla 4: The Process 

Stages involved in migrating to Joomla 4 always deliver complex scenarios. However, we have accumulated a few unique steps to make you feel that not all steps in Joomla 4 migration are as difficult as they seem. Below are those steps: 

Site Backup 

The initial step for migrating your older site to the latest Joomla 4 is backing up your website. This is an essential step as it confirms that you retain a roll-back point if anything goes wrong during the process. Engaging Joomla web development services ensures a professional backup and migration process.

System Requirements Checking 

The next step for your migration is to check the necessary system requirements. Here, Joomla 4 needs a distinct PHP version than Joomla 3. Partnering with Joomla web development services ensures compatibility with the latest system requirements.

Website Duplication 

After system checking, you must initiate the process of duplicating the site to the development server. At this stage, it’s mandatory to duplicate the website to test the functionalities of the associated features. This is an essential step before starting the website in your live environment.

Download the Latest Version 

Now, you need to go to the official website of Joomla to download the Joomla 4 package with a single click.


After downloading the Joomla 4, you need to install this latest version on your website by monitoring the necessary instructions from the official site.

Extensions & Template Upgradation 

At this stage, you need to update the templates and extensions of Joomla 4. However, please be informed that various legacy extensions and templates might not fit with the Joomla version 4. 

Proper Testing 

Testing all the Joomla 4 extensions is a prerequisite before going live with your upgraded website. Here, you must conduct rigorous tests to ensure that the functions are all okay. At the same time, you should also remember that many older extensions might not work and they should be replaced shortly.

Going Live with the Latest Version 

Now that you have conducted the proper testing of your site, we can recommend you go live with your latest Joomla 4 for a seamless and eventful launch.

Despite offering a set of robust features, Joomla 4 migration can be a daunting task for many non-technical users. However, you may get help from Glossy IT to overcome those barriers easily.

Key Opportunities You Will Experience After Migrating to Joomla 4 

After shifting to the new Joomla 4, you will surely experience numerous changes that offer flexibility, usability, and a better user interface. Below are some notable opportunities: 

Pristine Administrator & Site Templates 

The first thing you will see is the brand new dashboard that has a fresh administrator and site templates. This new layout of Joomla 4 is specially designed for website managers to maximize the user experience and provide them with quicker access. 

Better Command Line Interface (CLI) 

Another key opportunity you will enjoy after installing Joomla 4 is the improved CLI or Command Line Interface. Joomla web development services can help optimize the CLI for seamless updates and management.

Vigorous Codebase 

A vigorous codebase will appear after the Joomla 4 installation, which is cleaner and more optimized. This allows the developers to group classes for efficient task management with the help of official documentation.

Integration with Bootstrap 5 

Joomla 4 offers extended opportunities with the inclusion of Bootstrap 5 in its system. This feature will work strongly for blocking backward compatibility issues and conflicts.

Enhanced Accessibility 

Accessibility support with WCAG 2.0 Level compatibility, is one of the key opportunities that you will find on Joomla 4. This ensures that sites powered by this version are mostly usable and functional for people with disabilities.

Fresh Workflows & Media Manager 

Right after shifting from Joomla 3, you will notice how the workflows have been changed and improved in Joomla 4. This brand-new workflow will ensure that the tasks can be completed more skillfully and by the right number of people.

Similarly, Joomla 4 offers a cleaner media manager with features like new image modifying capability. This version is a better user-friendly option and maintains modern functions than Joomla 3. With the introduction of multi-files, Joomla 4 is now equipped with drag and drop uploading feature.

Improved SEO 

Joomla 4 offers improved SEO features. Here, you will receive the correct page structure with no extra extensions. If the pages are set properly, then it can beat other CMS in the SEO ranking factor efficiently. To make the most of these SEO capabilities, Joomla web development services can ensure proper implementation.

Updated Security 

Joomla 4 is a well-balanced option for you as it offers better architectural changes and a vigorous codebase. All of these are responsible for ensuring a powerful and secure site environment. Some noteworthy security features here are support for a structured SQL statement, and maintaining security headers inside the website.

Notable Challenges of Migrating to Joomla 4 

While migrating to Joomla 4 you may face several challenges. These are the results of the growing dominance of other content management system platforms. Below are some notable aspects: 

Fewer Extensions 

Migrating to the Joomla 4 can be challenging as it offers fewer professional extensions than other CMS.

Less Customization Option 

Shifting to Joomla 4 is also challenging as it cannot offer a lot of customization options like other CMS.

Complex Upgradation Path 

Joomla 4 can be challenging for many to install as it retains a complicated update/upgrade path.

However, you still can migrate to Joomla 4 with the help of professional web developers like Glossy IT.

How Glossy It Can Help You With Migrating To Joomla 4? 

At Glossy IT, you will find a team of talented professionals who are experts in solving all your problems regarding the Joomla 4 Migration Setup. With our specialized Joomla web development services, we help clients overcome barriers during migration. This skilled team has been serving global clients for the past few years with a reputation for proper dedication. Additionally, you will find budget-friendly estimates for any kind of service ranging from Joomla development to offshore solutions.

Give us a shout to learn more about our Joomla web development services!


Joomla 4 can impact hugely on your business website through its unique features. It is a platform that can offer you steadiness, reliability, innovation, and security. It is a digital sphere full of endless possibilities. So, you should migrate from your older version to this platform to achieve your ultimate business goals more efficiently. However, you need to seek expert opinion whenever you feel distracted by any situation regarding migrating to Joomla 4.

