Advanced SEO Techniques for WordPress: Beyond the Basics

Advanced SEO Techniques for WordPress: Beyond the Basics

Advanced SEO techniques go beyond basic optimizations, incorporating strategies that enhance website performance, user experience, and search engine rankings. These include technical SEO practices like improving page speed, optimizing website performance, and ensuring a smooth user experience.

This article will cover advanced SEO techniques with proven strategies to elevate your site's search rankings.

What are the Basic SEO Essentials for WordPress?

Any advanced knowledge requires an understanding of basic concepts. This is also appropriate for Advanced WordPress SEO as well. Generally, strong foundational insights of basic SEO essentials like meta tags, content quality, or keyword research can help you understand the potential factors that may arise while optimizing WordPress SEO. Learning basics will then make you realize the importance of advanced techniques for WordPress like conversion tracking or fixing indexing issues properly.

Some Advanced SEO Techniques for WordPress

To improve your WordPress site’s overall ranking, we suggest you look at the following advanced SEO techniques:

Use of Keyword Research Tools

Sometimes a regular keyword analysis fails to present the required results for the WordPress SEO. Therefore, you should use advanced keyword research tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush. With these tools, you can experience a detailed set of features that go past regular search volume analytics. These tools also give a proper keyword difficulty analysis that is key for learning how complex it could be to rank for individual keywords.

Specialized Keywords

Another keyword related to advanced SEO techniques for WordPress is the use of long-tail keywords. These specialized keywords are those that are more specific, and oddly competitive, but could entice better traffic. For instance: you can use ‘men’s light running shoes’ instead of only ‘men’s running shoes’. This precision will give you to captivate more user engagement for purchase.

Counsel Users

Guiding users properly can be another winning strategy for WordPress SEO as it will help your users understand the content structure properly. Here, you should use logical but less loaded navigation menus for developing ideal header tags. Moreover, you can use an XML sitemap to enhance your website’s traceability.

Clean URLs

One of the basic SEO techniques for WordPress is to keep URLs clean. However, you should not stick with that basic strategy, rather you should implement advanced SEO techniques like producing rich and clean URLs for better reflecting keywords on the page. Here the categories should be captivating and unique which should also allow your content to be classified in a broader sense. Moreover, these strategies should also give priority to highlighting micro-topics from single posts.

The use of internal linking in a blog post will give your users a more advanced option to explore your website for further reading. It is a key strategy to take over the reader’s attention and give them a unique experience that they might have never experienced before. For example: a blog about ‘The Secrets of Outside Cooking’ could link with a relevant post like ‘Outdoor Cooking Essential Tools’ to grab the reader’s attention.

Use of Schema Markup

Despite producing occasional unwanted results, the use of Schema markup will give you an edge over your competitors during WordPress SEO development. As an advanced strategy, you should hire an expert in this field to structure your website data for appropriate SERP results. In three ways you can implement this on WordPress, for example:

  • You can use Google Tag Manager

  • You can use plugins, or

  • You can apply a standard structure from for data markup.

Collaborative Content

Interactive or collaborative content can give your blog post better reach. This will also bring more traffic due to the spread of word of mouth or social media sharing about the content topics. For instance: you can add a quiz part inside your descriptive blog to make this thing happen. Doing this with a touch of storytelling can also be effective in grabbing more user attention.

New Content

New and fresh content can always welcome new visitors to the WordPress site if it is well-researched and captivating. Originality is the key here which could immensely impact on reader’s mind. As a whole, fresh content should retain infographics, industry insights, real-world scenarios, or data-driven measurements to increase the richness of your blogs.

Duplicate Content Identification

If you find that a large number of webpages contain duplicate content then it requires special modification. Identifying duplicate content from a huge number of web pages can be done by executing two ways. The first one is by conducting proper content audits on-site and off-site. The last one is by carrying out a thorough technical audit to locate the real reasons behind the sufferings of your WordPress sites.

Use of Content Delivery Network

A proper CDN or Content Delivery Network should be established to gather larger audiences for your WordPress website. Moreover, it helps you to reach more distinctive locations where more readers could be waiting to read your content eagerly. A CDN can reduce latency and distribute your content worldwide. Another surprising use of a content delivery network is that it can also significantly lessen the speed of your page.

Proper Meta Title & Meta Description

The significance of meta title and meta description optimization for WordPress SEO is everlasting. In meta titles, a well-written draft is crucial for grabbing user attention and developing click-through rates immensely. This title should retain the ability to summarize the content page with targeted keywords in a non-complex way.

Similarly, meta descriptions act as summaries that captivate the readers in search engine results pages to reach the landing page. As a result, a well-documented meta description is a vital element for WordPress SEO’s advanced techniques as it gives a clear understanding with an option for call-to-action.

Image Optimization

One of the advanced WordPress SEO techniques is image optimization. This is a critical area to understand as this can affect largely while smartly maintaining the website. You should check out for unoptimized and large images regularly that could slow down your web pages severely. Here, you can use various image compression tools for proper solution. These tools could easily eradicate file sizes with no reduction in the quality of images.

Permalinks can arise as a vital element when you make your website live. Careful management of the permalink setting can reduce the risks of demonstrating 404 errors occasionally. Also, it might cause severe ranking drops. To avoid this particular issue, you must lead your team members to work unitedly as any one member’s action can cause significant bad effects on the entire permalink structure. More importantly, you should advise your development team to follow the strict guidelines of Google for better structuring the WordPress URLs.

Appropriate Heading

Advanced SEO for WordPress also require the necessary construction of H1 and H2 headings that are responsible for directing your readers throughout the blog. These headings need to be elaborated and should retain synonymous tones from your main keywords.

Better Website Hosting

This is somewhat of an advanced strategy because many beginner site owners can run their websites smoothly with shared hosting partners. However, you should choose a dedicated hosting provider immediately if the traffic-related performance of your site increases significantly. Switching from shared to dedicated one could have an instant positive impact and give your website faster response times.

All of the above mentioned advanced tips for WordPress SEO cover most of the topics a developer can think of. However, we suggest yu to seek expert assistance if you struggle to align your strategies with these tips for getting an effective SEO optimization.

How Glossy IT Can Help You with Advanced SEO Techniques for Your WordPress Site

At Glossy IT, we have a team of skilled and experienced WordPress developers who have been working relentlessly to provide necessary services to their respected clients across the globe. With the best budget and plan, we can guarantee you a well-performing WordPress SEO Optimization Service for your industry-specific requirements. Give us a shout to learn more about our other SEO services here.


Sometimes regular tasks require scheduled testing and experimentation. Without these, you can’t get the necessary upgrades. Similarly, the advanced SEO tactics for WordPress mentioned in this article also need regular upgradation and appropriate implementation for maintaining a seamless website performance. Therefore, you will be able to take full advantage of WordPress SEO if you follow these steps and execute them accordingly.

